The Cariba Piranha or Pyocentrus cariba is just one of the many different species of Piranhas on our planet. These freshwater fish are without a doubt one of the most ferocious fish in the world. It is said that in the wild these Cariba will wait under birds nests in season and wait for an unfortunate baby bird to fall out and devour them in a matter of seconds. You can get a feel for just how fast these predators are in the video below.
The Cariba Piranha goes by many different names including the Black Shoulder Piranha, Orinoco Piranha, Black Eared Piranha, and the Venezuelan Red Belly Piranha. They are not very large, only growing to about 16" (40cm), but make up for their small size with their sharp powerful teeth and feeding frenzy in great numbers. The Cariba Piranha has a grey head with orange or red anal and pectoral fins and a silver body. When they are smaller these fish tend to have black spots that cover their upper bodies. These spots will fade as the fish grows older.
The Cariba Piranha goes by many different names including the Black Shoulder Piranha, Orinoco Piranha, Black Eared Piranha, and the Venezuelan Red Belly Piranha. They are not very large, only growing to about 16" (40cm), but make up for their small size with their sharp powerful teeth and feeding frenzy in great numbers. The Cariba Piranha has a grey head with orange or red anal and pectoral fins and a silver body. When they are smaller these fish tend to have black spots that cover their upper bodies. These spots will fade as the fish grows older.