Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Cariba Piranha World Animal

Cariba Piranha World Animal
The Cariba Piranha or Pyocentrus cariba is just one of the many different species of Piranhas on our planet. These freshwater fish are without a doubt one of the most ferocious fish in the world. It is said that in the wild these Cariba will wait under birds nests in season and wait for an unfortunate baby bird to fall out and devour them in a matter of seconds. You can get a feel for just how fast these predators are in the video below.

The Cariba Piranha goes by many different names including the Black Shoulder Piranha, Orinoco Piranha, Black Eared Piranha, and the Venezuelan Red Belly Piranha. They are not very large, only growing to about 16" (40cm), but make up for their small size with their sharp powerful teeth and feeding frenzy in great numbers. The Cariba Piranha has a grey head with orange or red anal and pectoral fins and a silver body. When they are smaller these fish tend to have black spots that cover their upper bodies. These spots will fade as the fish grows older.

Riparia riparia Kite Sand Animal Bird

Riparia riparia Kite Sand Animal Bird
This is a list of the bird species recorded in San Marino. The avifauna of San Marino includes a total of 96 species, none of which are introduced or endemic. This list's taxonomic treatment designation and sequence of orders, families, and species.

Riverbanks, lakesides and sandpit, often seen in numbers hunting insects in low flight over lakes and rivers. Prior to and during migration they roost communally in large reedbeds. Breeds colonially in vertical sandy or earth banks, e.g. in gravel-pits and river banks, where nest is excavated often a good metre horizontally into the earth. The nest burrow is built by both parents; the chamber being lined with plant material and feathers. The eggs are white, and shiny. Incubation and care of the young is carried out by both parents.

Parus Major Rock Wren Animal Bird

Parus Major Rock Wren Animal Bird
Metal accumulation in three passerine bird species, Great Tit Parus major, Rock Bunting Emberiza cia, and Blackbird Turdus merula, was analyzed in a polluted zone where there is a coal-fired power plant Cercs, Northeast Spain, and a non-polluted zone located 40 km from the source of pollution. Rainwater from the polluted area was acidic (pH 5.2) but the calcareous composition of the soil in this zone buffered the soil and water pools; there were no significant differences between soil pH in the two areas. Metal accumulation in organs and tissues was dependent upon the species and the diet.

Canary Malay World Animal Bird

Canary Malay World Animal Bird
never seen a canary original or Indonesia? That's the canary Serinus melayu or estherae or also known as walnut mountain (Mountain Serin). Small, seed-eating birds are beak with less thick. Tribe is similar weaverbird. The difference is longer and notched tail, beak slightly smaller, bowl-shaped nest is open (not closed as weaverbird).

These birds are small (11cm), yellow and gray. Characteristic of male birds banded yellow forehead and chest and black streaked, tunggir bright yellow, black wings with a gray coat, black throat, white belly streaked black. While the female is almost like a male bird but yellow tunggir more grim and less mottled chest.

Canary melayu or walnuts this mountain a short rattling sound kicauannya issued when flying and also had a metallic squeaks. Deployment malaysia global canaries are the Philippines, Sulawesi, Sumatra and Java. While local penyeberaran in Sumatra and is known only in the meadow and alpine shrub on the Mount Leuser and surrounding peaks.

On the island of Java found on Mount Gede, Pangrango, Papandayan, Slamet, Dieng, Lawu, and Mount / Tengger mountains. These birds have a habit of solitude but also love to have in small groups. They clustered at the top of small bushes, in the alpine meadow or forest moss, also landed on the ground. Melayu walnuts will come down to lower altitudes to visit the bush or Strobilantus cernua Blume (Sundanese people call bubukuan) as fruitful. Melayu or canary canary mountains have shyness, like flying rapidly by undulating, up and down as well as sparrows.
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